How can Family and Friends help Severe ME patients?

The one question I get asked most after 'how did you make a good recovery from Severe ME?' is:  'what can I do to help my daughter/sister/nephew/friend etc?'

I cannot stress the difference the support of friends and family can make to a Severe ME Patient's chance of recovery.  My husband and I were incredibly lucky to have the support of so many of our relatives and friends, without whom, my recovery would not have been possible.

However, I have to admit that around 20% of our nearest and dearest were vile, and the source of immense stress when I was ill, a mixture of 'Doubting Thomases', 'Brick Walls',  'Energy Vampires' or 'Head in the ground Ostriches'.

If you want to help someone dear to you who has Severe ME, there are three precious gifts that you can give to them and their Carer (s):

1. UNDERSTANDING - Listen, learn and educate others.
2. CONSTANCY - Be there for them for as long as it takes, remember recovery can take years.
3. UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT - Whatever they need, whenever they need.

Just remember, they can recover, in time.

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