Welcome to our world....

Along with the rest of the world, I have looked on in horror as Covid19 has ravaged populations, causing such terrible suffering and so very many deaths.

But, when I read of recovering Covid19 patients, who, whilst seemingly over the acute stage,seem to have moved on to a chronic stage, where they are struggling with debilitating fatigue and cognitive impairment, with no real answers from their Doctors....I cannot help but think to myself: "Welcome to our world".

Does that make me a bad person? Maybe.

Or maybe it just makes me a person who is so utterly fed up with how most of the medical establishment has ignored, disbelieved, patronised and neglected the millions of ME patients who have suffered from debilitating fatigue and cognitive impairment for decades.

All I hope is that, maybe, just maybe, properly funded biomedical research will now be a priority for governments across the world. To find out why some patients recover quickly from viruses, whilst some go on to suffer for years.

But for now, I wish every single Covid19 patient a speedy recovery, as I would not wish ME on my worst enemy.

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